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1012019 "Dig where you stand" 5. Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on the History of Mathematics Education. ICHME-5. Jacob de Gelder (1765-1848) and his way of teaching cubic equations. p. 177-187.Ressource en ligne
1022019 "Dig where you stand" 5. Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on the History of Mathematics Education. ICHME-5. John Leslie's (1817) view of arithmetic and its relevance for modern pedagogy. p. 147-159.Ressource en ligne
1032019 "Dig where you stand" 5. Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on the History of Mathematics Education. ICHME-5. Mathematical reasoning in trigonometric definitions, proofs, and calculations on early 19th century textbooks from Norway and Denmark. p. 111-127.Ressource en ligne
1042019 "Dig where you stand" 5. Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on the History of Mathematics Education. ICHME-5. Mathématique moderne: A pioneering Belgian textbook series shaping the New Math reform of the 1960s. p. 129-145.Ressource en ligne
1052019 "Dig where you stand" 5. Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on the History of Mathematics Education. ICHME-5. Norms and practices of secondary teachers' formation. The Portuguese case (1915-1930). p. 337-353.Ressource en ligne
1062019 "Dig where you stand" 5. Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on the History of Mathematics Education. ICHME-5. On French heritage of Cartesian geometry in Elements from Arnauld, Lamy and Lacroix. p. 11-28.Ressource en ligne
1072019 "Dig where you stand" 5. Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on the History of Mathematics Education. ICHME-5. Pedagogical value of the Russian abacus and its use in teaching and learning arithmetic in the 19th - early 20th century. p. 161-176.Ressource en ligne
1082019 "Dig where you stand" 5. Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on the History of Mathematics Education. ICHME-5. Polya and Dienes: Two men of one mind or one culture ? p. 29-47.Ressource en ligne
1092019 "Dig where you stand" 5. Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on the History of Mathematics Education. ICHME-5. Problems in the teaching of arithmetic: records in French school notebooks (1870-1914). p. 49-63.Ressource en ligne
1102019 "Dig where you stand" 5. Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on the History of Mathematics Education. ICHME-5. September 19-22, 2017, at Utrecht University, the Netherlands.Ressource en ligne
1112019 "Dig where you stand" 5. Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on the History of Mathematics Education. ICHME-5. Teaching mathematics in Moroccan high schools in the past fifty years. p. 239-255.Ressource en ligne
1122019 "Dig where you stand" 5. Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on the History of Mathematics Education. ICHME-5. The mathematics teachers' journal Euclides in the Netherlands in change, 1945-1976. p. 189-204.Ressource en ligne
1132019 "Dig where you stand" 5. Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on the History of Mathematics Education. ICHME-5. Two textbooks on unconventional arithmetic: Reactions of influential persons p. 65-81.Ressource en ligne
1142019 Actes du Colloque EMF 2018. Mathématiques en scène des ponts entre les disciplines.Ressource en ligne
1152019 Actes du Colloque EMF 2018. Ressources et pratiques d'enseignements de la réforme des mathématiques modernes en Hongrie et en France. p. 334-341.Ressource en ligne
1162019 Apprendre l'arithmétique dans les manuels scolaires au XIXe siècle.
1172019 Au fil des maths. N° 533. p. 8-15. L'Observatoire EVAPM, une aventure de l'APMEP.Ressource en ligne
1182019 Chantiers de Pédagogie mathématique. N° 179. 50 ans au fil des Chantiers : changements et permanences.Ressource en ligne
1192019 Circulation : mathématiques, histoire, enseignement. Evelyne Barbin, entre épistémologie, histoire et enseignement. p. 221-240.
1202019 Des mathématiques pour les filles ?